Clean Heating & Cooling Systems

Educating Communities and guiding incentives

Heat Smart Mohawk Valley is a participant in NYSERDA’s Clean Heating and Cooling Program, serving the Mohawk Valley Region in New York.

Clean heating and cooling systems have made major leaps, however adoption remains low. While there are always natural supporters of these systems, a major challenge remains in engaging a wider audience. Wider adoption would lead to a net-positive effect on our environment, reduced reliance on fuel oils, and significant increases in the efficiency and reduced cost of heating and cooling a home or business.

Heat Smart partnered up with WMC to develop a new brand and a web presence designed to attract, engage and register more homeowners and business owners with clean energy incentives. In this case study, you’ll see our initial branding efforts, website design and creative materials. This project is ongoing – check back soon for more results as we begin implementing advanced SEM and marketing automation!



Featured In This
Case Study


Industries Served

Energy from the outside, comfort on the inside. 

Balancing home climate with the natural climate

Developing the Heat Smart brand began with several rounds of alternative logo sketches. The brand mark needed to encompass the core technologies supported by the program – ground source and air source heat pump systems – combined with a sense of interior climate. We presented several options (see below) complete with mood boards and examples of advertising & communication materials.

Together with the Heat Smart team, the design seen here was selected, and we began building Heat Smart’s brand standards. 

Informing & Attracting Participants to the Heat Smart Website

With the right content your website becomes a resource and a tool for driving engagement

Heat Smart Mohawk Valley’s new website was built with two primary goals in mind: giving people the right resources and information, and inspiring them to join the program. We began by designing an easy-to-use website, following up with the development of blog articles to answer the public’s questions. We follow up with SEO configurations and landing pages for people to visit after following advertising or other links and hook it up to HubSpot so the Heat Smart team can bring people through the signup process with ease!

Information Graphics & Slide Decks

Putting some Heat on Clean Energy Presentations

Digital Ads & Communication Pieces

Encouraging Clean Energy Adoption through Digital, Print & Education